Source code for brainscopypaste.load

"""Load data from various datasets.

This module defines functions and classes to load and parse dataset files.
:func:`load_fa_features` loads Free Association features (using
:class:`FAFeatureLoader`) and :func:`load_mt_frequency_and_tokens` loads
MemeTracker features. Both save their computed features to pickle files for
later use in analyses. :class:`MemeTrackerParser` parses and loads the whole
MemeTracker dataset into the database and is used by :mod:`.cli`.


from datetime import datetime
import re
from codecs import open
import logging
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict

import click
from progressbar import ProgressBar
import networkx as nx

from brainscopypaste.db import Session, Cluster, Quote, Url, save_by_copy
from brainscopypaste.utils import session_scope, execute_raw, cache
from brainscopypaste.features import SubstitutionFeaturesMixin
from brainscopypaste.conf import settings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load_fa_features(): """Load the Free Association dataset and save all its computed features to pickle files. FA degree, pagerank, betweenness, and clustering are computed using the :class:`FAFeatureLoader` class, and saved respectively to :data:`~.settings.DEGREE`, :data:`~.settings.PAGERANK`, :data:`~.settings.BETWEENNESS` and :data:`~.settings.CLUSTERING`. Progress is printed to stdout. """'Computing FreeAssociation features') click.echo('Computing FreeAssociation features...') loader = FAFeatureLoader() degree = logger.debug('Saving FreeAssociation degree to pickle') with open(settings.DEGREE, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(degree, f) pagerank = loader.pagerank() logger.debug('Saving FreeAssociation pagerank to pickle') with open(settings.PAGERANK, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(pagerank, f) betweenness = loader.betweenness() logger.debug('Saving FreeAssociation betweenness to pickle') with open(settings.BETWEENNESS, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(betweenness, f) clustering = loader.clustering() logger.debug('Saving FreeAssociation clustering to pickle') with open(settings.CLUSTERING, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(clustering, f) click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)'Done computing all FreeAssociation features')
[docs]def load_mt_frequency_and_tokens(): """Compute MemeTracker frequency codings and the list of available tokens. Iterate through the whole MemeTracker dataset loaded into the database to count word frequency and make a list of tokens encountered. Frequency codings are then saved to :data:`~.settings.FREQUENCY`, and the list of tokens is saved to :data:`~.settings.TOKENS`. The MemeTracker dataset must have been loaded and filtered previously, or an excetion will be raised (see :ref:`usage` or :mod:`.cli` for more about that). Progress is printed to stdout. """'Computing memetracker frequencies and token list') click.echo('Computing MemeTracker frequencies and token list...') # See if we should count frequency of tokens or lemmas. source_type, _ = SubstitutionFeaturesMixin.__features__['frequency']'Frequencies will be computed on %s', source_type) with session_scope() as session: quote_ids = session.query( # Check we have filtered quotes. if quote_ids.count() == 0: raise Exception('Found no filtered quotes, aborting.') quote_ids = [id for (id,) in quote_ids] # Compute frequencies and token list. frequencies = defaultdict(int) tokens = set() for quote_id in ProgressBar()(quote_ids): with session_scope() as session: quote = session.query(Quote).get(quote_id) tokens.update(quote.tokens) for word in getattr(quote, source_type): frequencies[word] += quote.frequency # Convert frequency back to a normal dict. frequencies = dict(frequencies) logger.debug('Saving memetracker frequencies to pickle') with open(settings.FREQUENCY, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(frequencies, f) logger.debug('Saving memetracker token list to pickle') with open(settings.TOKENS, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(tokens, f) click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)'Done computing memetracker frequencies and token list')
[docs]class Parser: """Mixin for file parsers providing the :meth:`_skip_header` method. Used by :class:`FAFeatureLoader` and :class:`MemeTrackerParser`. """
[docs] def _skip_header(self): """Skip `self.header_size` lines in the file `self._file`.""" for i in range(self.header_size): self._file.readline()
[docs]class FAFeatureLoader(Parser): """Loader for the Free Association dataset and features. This class defines a method to load the FA norms (:meth:`_norms`), utility methods to compute the different variants of graphs that can represent the norms (:meth:`_norms_graph`, :meth:`_inverse_norms_graph`, and :meth:`_undirected_norms_graph`) or to help feature computation (:meth:`_remove_zeros`), and public methods that compute features on the FA data (:meth:`degree`, :meth:`pagerank`, :meth:`betweenness`, and :meth:`clustering`). Use a single class instance to compute all FA features. """ #: Size (in lines) of the header in files to be parsed. header_size = 4 @cache def _norms(self): """Parse the Free Association Appendix A files into `self.norms`. After loading, `self.norms` is a dict containing, for each (lowercased) cue, a list of tuples. Each tuple represents a word referenced by the cue, and is in format `(word, ref, weight)`: `word` is the referenced word; `ref` is a boolean indicating if `word` has been normed or not; `weight` is the strength of the referencing. :func:`~.utils.memoized` for performance of the class. """'Loading FreeAssociation norms') norms = {} for filename in settings.FA_SOURCES: with open(filename, encoding='iso-8859-2') as self._file: self._skip_header() for line in self._file: # Exit if we're at the end of the data. if line[0] == '<': break # Parse our line. linefields = line.split(', ') w1 = linefields[0].lower() w2 = linefields[1].lower() ref = linefields[2].lower() == 'yes' weight = float(linefields[5]) norm = (w2, ref, weight) try: norms[w1].append(norm) except KeyError: norms[w1] = [norm]'Loaded norms for %s words from FreeAssociation', len(norms)) return norms @cache def _norms_graph(self): """Get the Free Association weighted directed graph. :func:`~.utils.memoized` for performance of the class. Returns ------- :func:`networkx.DiGraph` The FA weighted directed graph. """'Computing FreeAssociation norms directed graph') graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_weighted_edges_from([(w1, w2, weight) for w1, norm in self._norms.items() for w2, _, weight in norm if weight != 0]) return graph @cache def _inverse_norms_graph(self): """Get the Free Association directed graph with inverted weights. This graph is useful for computing e.g. :meth:`betweenness`, where link strength should be considered an inverse cost (i.e. a stronger link is easier to cross, instead of harder). :func:`~.utils.memoized` for performance of the class. Returns ------- :func:`networkx.DiGraph` The FA inversely weighted directed graph. """'Computing FreeAssociation inverse norms directed graph') graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_weighted_edges_from( [(w1, w2, 1 / weight) for w1, w2, weight in self._norms_graph.edges_iter(data='weight')] ) return graph @cache def _undirected_norms_graph(self): """Get the Free Association weighted undirected graph. When a pair of words is connected in both directions, the undirected link between the two words receives the sum of the two directed link weights. This is used to compute e.g. :meth:`clustering`, which is defined on the undirected (but weighted) FA graph. :func:`~.utils.memoized` for performance of the class. Returns ------- :func:`networkx.Graph` The FA weighted undirected graph. """'Computing FreeAssociation norms undirected graph') graph = nx.Graph() for w1, w2, weight in self._norms_graph.edges_iter(data='weight'): if graph.has_edge(w1, w2): # Add to the existing weight instead of replacing it. weight += graph.edge[w1][w2]['weight'] graph.add_edge(w1, w2, weight=weight) return graph @classmethod
[docs] def _remove_zeros(self, feature): """Remove key-value pairs where value is zero, in dict `feature`. Modifies the provided `feature` dict, and does not return anything. Parameters ---------- feature : dict Any association of key-value pairs where values are numbers. Usually a dict of words to feature values. """ for word in list(feature.keys()): if feature[word] == 0: del feature[word]
[docs] def degree(self): """Compute in-degree centrality for words coded by Free Association. Returns ------- degree : dict The association of each word to its in-degree. Each incoming link counts as 1 (i.e. link weights are ignored). Words with zero incoming links are removed from the dict. """ # Assumes a directed unweighted graph.'Computing FreeAssociation degree') degree = nx.in_degree_centrality(self._norms_graph) self._remove_zeros(degree)'Done computing FreeAssociation degree') return degree
[docs] def pagerank(self): """Compute pagerank centrality for words coded by Free Association. Returns ------- pagerank : dict The association of each word to its pagerank. FA link weights are taken into account in the computation. Words with pagerank zero are removed from the dict. """ # Assumes a directed weighted graph.'Computing FreeAssociation pagerank') pagerank = nx.pagerank_scipy(self._norms_graph, max_iter=10000, tol=1e-15, weight='weight') self._remove_zeros(pagerank)'Done computing FreeAssociation pagerank') return pagerank
[docs] def betweenness(self): """Compute betweenness centrality for words coded by Free Association. Returns ------- betweenness : dict The association of each word to its betweenness centrality. FA link weights are considered as inverse cost in the computation (i.e. a stronger link is easier to cross). Words with betweenness zero are removed from the dict. """ # Assumes a directed weighted graph.'Computing FreeAssociation betweenness ' '(this might take a long time, e.g. 30 minutes)') betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(self._inverse_norms_graph, weight='weight') self._remove_zeros(betweenness)'Done computing FreeAssociation betweenness') return betweenness
[docs] def clustering(self): """Compute clustering coefficient for words coded by Free Association. Returns ------- clustering : dict The association of each word to its clustering coefficient. FA link weights are taken into account in the computation, but direction of links is ignored (if words are connected in both directions, the link weights are added together). Words with clustering coefficient zero are removed from the dict. """ # Assumes an undirected weighted graph.'Computing FreeAssociation clustering') clustering = nx.clustering(self._undirected_norms_graph, weight='weight') self._remove_zeros(clustering)'Done computing FreeAssociation clustering') return clustering
[docs]class MemeTrackerParser(Parser): """Parse the MemeTracker dataset into the database. After initialisation, the :meth:`parse` method does all the job. Its internal work is done by the utility methods :meth:`_parse`, :meth:`_parse_cluster_block` and :meth:`_parse_line` (for actual parsing), :meth:`_handle_cluster`, :meth:`_handle_quote` and :meth:`_handle_url` (for parsed data handling), and :meth:`_check` (for consistency checking). Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the MemeTracker dataset file to parse. line_count : int Number of lines in `filename`, to help in showing a progress bar. Should be computed beforehand with e.g. ``wc -l <filename>``, so python doesn't need to load the complete file twice. limit : int, optional If not `None` (default), stops the parsing once `limit` clusters have been read. Useful for testing purposes. """ #: Size (in lines) of the header in the MemeTracker file to be parsed. header_size = 6 def __init__(self, filename, line_count, limit=None): """Setup parsing and tracking attributes.""" self.filename = filename self.line_count = line_count self.limit = limit # Keep track of if we've already parsed or not. self.parsed = False # Keep track of current cluster and quote. self._cluster = None self._quote = None
[docs] def parse(self): """Parse the whole MemeTracker file, save, optimise the database, and check for consistency. Parse the MemeTracker file with :meth:`_parse` to create :class:`~.db.Cluster` and :class:`~.db.Quote` database entries corresponding to the dataset. The parsed data is then persisted to database in one step (with :func:`~.db.save_by_copy`). The database is then VACUUMed and ANALYZEd (with :func:`~.utils.execute_raw`) to force it to recompute its optimisations. Finally, the consistency of the database is checked (with :meth:`_check`) against number of quotes and frequency in each cluster of the original file, and against number of urls and frequency in each quote of the original file. Progress is printed to stdout. Note that if `self.limit` is not `None`, parsing will stop after `self.limit` clusters have been read. Once the parsing is finished, `self.parsed` is set to `True`. Raises ------ ValueError If this instance has already run a parsing. """'Parsing memetracker file') if self.limit is not None:'Parsing is limited to %s clusters', self.limit) click.echo('Parsing MemeTracker data file into database{}...' .format('' if self.limit is None else ' (limit={})'.format(self.limit))) if self.parsed: raise ValueError('Parser has already run') # +100 is some margin for ProgressBar, otherwise it raises an exception # at the *end* of parsing (once the internal count exceeds max_value). lines_left = self.line_count - self.header_size + 100 with open(self.filename, 'rb', encoding='utf8') as self._file, \ ProgressBar(max_value=lines_left, redirect_stdout=True) as self._bar: self._parse() click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)'Parsed %s clusters and %s quotes from memetracker file', len(self._objects['clusters']), len(self._objects['quotes'])) # Save.'Saving parsed clusters to database') save_by_copy(**self._objects) self._objects = {'clusters': [], 'quotes': []} # Vacuum analyze.'Vacuuming and analyzing database') click.echo('Vacuuming and analyzing... ', nl=False) execute_raw(['bind'], 'VACUUM ANALYZE') click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True) # And check.'Checking consistency of the file against the database') click.echo('Checking consistency...') self._check() # Don't do this twice. self.parsed = True click.secho('All done.', fg='green', bold=True)
[docs] def _parse(self): """Do the actual MemeTracker file parsing. Initialises the parsing tracking variables, then delegates each new cluster block to :meth:`_parse_cluster_block`. Parsed clusters and quotes are stored as :class:`~.db.Cluster`\ s and :class:`~.db.Quote`\ s in `self._objects` (to be saved later in :meth:`parse`). Frequency and url counts for clusters and quotes are saved in `self._checks` for later checking in :meth:`parse`. """ # The first lines are not data. self._skip_header() # Initialize the parsing with the first line. self._cluster_line = self._file.readline() self._clusters_read = 0 self._lines_read = 1 self._bar.update(self._lines_read) # Results to be saved and checks to be done. self._objects = {'clusters': [], 'quotes': []} self._checks = {} while self._cluster_line is not None: logger.debug("Parsing new cluster ('%s')", self._cluster_line[:-1]) self._parse_cluster_block()
[docs] def _check(self): """Check the consistency of the database with `self._checks`. The original MemeTracker dataset specifies the number of quotes and frequency for each cluster, and the number of urls and frequency for each quote. This information is saved in `self._checks` during parsing. This method iterates through the whole database of saved :class:`~.db.Cluster`\ s and :class:`~.db.Quote`\ s to check that their counts correspond to what the MemeTracker dataset says (as stored in `self._checks`). Raises ------ ValueError If any count in the database differs from its specification in `self._checks`. """ for id, check in ProgressBar()(self._checks.items()): logger.debug('Checking cluster #%s consistency', id) with session_scope() as session: # Check the cluster itself. cluster = session.query(Cluster).get(id) err_end = (' #{} does not match value' ' in file').format(cluster.sid) if check['cluster']['size'] != cluster.size: raise ValueError("Cluster size" + err_end) if check['cluster']['frequency'] != cluster.frequency: raise ValueError("Cluster frequency" + err_end) # Check each quote. for quote in cluster.quotes: quote_check = check['quotes'][] err_end = (' #{} does not match value' ' in file').format(quote.sid) if quote_check['size'] != quote.size: raise ValueError("Quote size" + err_end) if quote_check['frequency'] != quote.frequency: raise ValueError("Quote frequency" + err_end) self._checks = {}
[docs] def _parse_cluster_block(self): """Parse a block of lines representing a cluster in the source MemeTracker file. The :class:`~.db.Cluster` itself is first created from `self._cluster_line` with :meth:`_handle_cluster`, then each following line is delegated to :meth:`_handle_quote` or :meth:`_handle_url` until exhaustion of this cluster block. During the parsing of this cluster, `self._cluster` holds the current cluster being filled and `self._quote` the current quote (both are cleaned up when the method finishes). At the end of this block, the method increments `self._clusters_read` and sets `self._cluster_line` to the line defining the next cluster, or `None` if the end of file or `self.limit` was reached. Raises ------ ValueError If `self._cluster_line` is not a line defining a new cluster. """ # Check we have a cluster line and parse it. tipe, fields = self._parse_line(self._cluster_line) # If self._cluster_line stays None, _parse() stops. # So it's filled further down when we get to the next cluster # definition line (unless self.limit says we should read # only a subset of all clusters). self._cluster_line = None if tipe != 'cluster': raise ValueError("Our supposed cluster_line ('{}', line {}) " "is not a cluster line!" .format(self._cluster_line, self._lines_read + self.header_size)) # Create the cluster. self._handle_cluster(fields) # Keep reading until the next cluster, or exhaustion. for line in self._file: self._lines_read += 1 self._bar.update(self._lines_read) tipe, fields = self._parse_line(line) if tipe == 'cluster': break elif tipe == 'quote': self._handle_quote(fields) elif tipe == 'url': self._handle_url(fields) # If we just saw a new cluster, feed that new cluster_line # for the next cluster, unless asked to stop. self._clusters_read += 1 if (tipe == 'cluster' and (self.limit is None or self._clusters_read < self.limit)): self._cluster_line = line # Clean up. self._cluster = None self._quote = None
[docs] def _parse_line(self, line): """Parse `line` to determine if it's a cluster-, quote- or url-line, or anything else. Parameters ---------- line : str A line from the MemeTracker dataset to parse. Returns ------- tipe : str in {'cluster', 'quote', 'url'} or None The type of object that `line` defines; `None` if unknown or empty line. fields : list of str List of the tab-separated fields in `line`. """ line0 = re.split(r'[\xa0\s+\t\r\n]+', line) if line0[0] != '': tipe = 'cluster' elif line[0] == '\t' and line[1] != '\t': tipe = 'quote' elif line[0] == '\t' and line[1] == '\t' and line[2] != '\t': tipe = 'url' else: tipe = None return tipe, re.split(r'[\t\r\n]', line)
[docs] def _handle_cluster(self, fields): """Handle a list of cluster fields to create a new :class:`~.db.Cluster`. The newly created :class:`~.db.Cluster` is appended to `self._objects['clusters']`, and corresponding fields are created in `self._checks`. Parameters ---------- fields : list of str List of fields defining the new cluster, as returned by :meth:`_parse_line`. """ id = int(fields[3]) self._cluster = Cluster(id=id, sid=id, filtered=False, source='memetracker') self._objects['clusters'].append(self._cluster) # Save checks for later on. cluster_size = int(fields[0]) cluster_frequency = int(fields[1]) self._checks[] = { 'quotes': {}, 'cluster': { 'size': cluster_size, 'frequency': cluster_frequency } }
[docs] def _handle_quote(self, fields): """Handle a list of quote fields to create a new :class:`~.db.Quote`. The newly created :class:`~.db.Quote` is appended to `self._objects['quotes']`, and corresponding fields are created in `self._checks`. Parameters ---------- fields : list of str List of fields defining the new quote, as returned by :meth:`_parse_line`. """ id = int(fields[4]) self._quote = Quote(, id=id, sid=id, filtered=False, string=fields[3]) self._objects['quotes'].append(self._quote) # Save checks for later on. quote_size = int(fields[2]) quote_frequency = int(fields[1]) self._checks[]['quotes'][] = { 'size': quote_size, 'frequency': quote_frequency }
[docs] def _handle_url(self, fields): """Handle a list of url fields to create a new :class:`~.db.Url`. The newly created :class:`~.db.Url` is stored on `self._quote` which holds the currently parsed quote. Parameters ---------- fields : list of str List of fields defining the new url, as returned by :meth:`_parse_line`. """ timestamp = datetime.strptime(fields[2], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') assert timestamp.tzinfo is None url = Url(timestamp=timestamp, frequency=int(fields[3]), url_type=fields[4], url=fields[5]) self._quote.add_url(url)