Source code for brainscopypaste.cli

"""CLI tool for stepping through the analysis.

Once you have the environment properly set up (see :ref:`setup`), invoke this
tool with ``brainscopypaste <command>``.

The documentation for this tool can be explored using ``brainscopypaste
--help`` or ``brainscopypaste <command> --help``. If you are viewing these docs
in the browser, you will only see docstrings for convenience functions in the
module. The other docstrings appear in the source code, but are best explored
by calling the tool with ``--help``.


from os.path import exists, basename, split, join
from os import remove
import logging
import re

import click
import nbformat
from traitlets.config import Config
from nbconvert.exporters import Exporter

from brainscopypaste.db import Base, Cluster, Substitution
from brainscopypaste.utils import session_scope, init_db, mkdirp
from brainscopypaste.load import (MemeTrackerParser, load_fa_features,
from brainscopypaste.filter import filter_clusters
from brainscopypaste.mine import (mine_substitutions_with_model, Time, Source,
                                  Past, Durl, Model)
from brainscopypaste.conf import settings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@click.option('--echo-sql', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--log', default='info', type=click.Choice(['info', 'debug']),
              help='Set log level')
@click.option('--log-file', default=None, type=click.Path(),
              help='Log to this file instead of stdout')
def cli(obj, echo_sql, log, log_file):
    """BrainsCopyPaste analysis of the MemeTracker data."""

    # Configure logging and silence TreeTagger logs.
    loglevel = getattr(logging, log.upper())
    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s: '
                        '%(message)s', level=loglevel, filename=log_file)
    logger.debug('Logging configured')

    # Save config.
    obj['ECHO_SQL'] = echo_sql
    obj['engine'] = init_db(obj['ECHO_SQL'])
def drop():
    """Drop parts of (or all) the database."""

[docs]def confirm(fillin): """Ask the user to confirm they want to drop the content described by `fillin`.""" text = "About to drop {}. Are you sure? (type 'yes') ".format(fillin) click.secho(text, nl=False, fg='red', bold=True) answer = input() if answer == 'yes': return True else: click.secho("Good. Aborting.") return False
@drop.command(name='all') @click.pass_obj def drop_all(obj): """Empty the whole database and all features.""" if confirm('the whole database and all features'):'Emptying database') click.secho('Emptying database... ', nl=False) Base.metadata.drop_all(bind=obj['engine']) click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)'Done emptying database') _drop_features() @drop.command(name='filtered') @click.pass_obj def drop_filtered(obj): """Drop filtered rows (Clusters, Quotes).""" click.secho('Dropping filtered rows will also drop any substitutions ' 'mined beforehand', bold=True) if confirm('the filtered rows (clusters, quotes) and ' 'any mined substitutions attached to them'):'Dropping filtered rows (quotes and clusters) and ' 'substitutions from database') with session_scope() as session: click.secho('Dropping filtered rows and substitutions... ', nl=False) session.query(Cluster).filter(Cluster.filtered.is_(True))\ .delete(synchronize_session=False) click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)'Done dropping filtered rows and substitutions') @drop.command(name='substitutions') @click.pass_obj def drop_substitutions(obj): """Drop Substitutions.""" if confirm('the mined substitutions'):'Dropping substitutions from database') click.secho('Dropping mined substitutions... ', nl=False) Substitution.__table__.drop(bind=obj['engine']) click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)'Done dropping substitutions')
[docs]def _drop_features(): """Drop computed features from the filesystem."""'Dropping computed features from filesystem') click.secho('Dropping computed features... ', nl=False) for file in [settings.DEGREE, settings.PAGERANK, settings.BETWEENNESS, settings.CLUSTERING, settings.FREQUENCY, settings.TOKENS]: if exists(file): logger.debug("Dropping '%s'", basename(file)) remove(file) else: logger.debug("'%s' not present, no need to drop it", basename(file)) click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)'Done dropping features')
@drop.command(name='features') def drop_features(): """Drop computed features.""" if confirm('the computed features'): _drop_features() def load(): """Source database loading.""" @load.command(name='memetracker') @click.option('--limit', default=None, type=int, help='Limit number of clusters processed') def load_memetracker(limit): """Load MemeTracker data into SQL."""'Starting load of memetracker data into database') MemeTrackerParser(settings.MT_SOURCE, line_count=settings.MT_LENGTH, limit=limit).parse()'Done loading memetracker data into database') @load.command(name='features') def load_features(): """Compute features and save them to pickle."""'Starting computation of features') load_mt_frequency_and_tokens() load_fa_features()'Done computing and saving features') def filter(): """Source database filtering.""" @filter.command(name='memetracker') @click.option('--limit', default=None, type=int, help='Limit number of clusters processed') def filter_memetracker(limit): """Filter MemeTracker data."""'Starting filtering of memetracker data') filter_clusters(limit=limit)'Done filtering memetracker data') def mine(): """Mine the database.""" @mine.command(name='substitutions') @click.argument('time', type=click.Choice(map('{}'.format, Time))) @click.argument('source', type=click.Choice(map('{}'.format, Source))) @click.argument('past', type=click.Choice(map('{}'.format, Past))) @click.argument('durl', type=click.Choice(map('{}'.format, Durl))) @click.argument('max_distance', type=click.IntRange(1, settings.MT_FILTER_MIN_TOKENS // 2)) @click.option('--limit', default=None, type=int, help='Limit number of clusters processed') def mine_substitutions(time, source, past, durl, max_distance, limit): """Mine the database for substitutions.""" time, source, past, durl = map(lambda s: s.split('.')[1], [time, source, past, durl]) model = Model(time=Time[time], source=Source[source], past=Past[past], durl=Durl[durl], max_distance=max_distance)'Starting substitution mining in memetracker data') if limit is not None:'Substitution mining is limited to %s clusters', limit)'Substitution model is %s', model) mine_substitutions_with_model(model, limit=limit)'Done mining substitutions in memetracker data') @cli.command() @click.argument('time', type=click.Choice(map('{}'.format, Time))) @click.argument('source', type=click.Choice(map('{}'.format, Source))) @click.argument('past', type=click.Choice(map('{}'.format, Past))) @click.argument('durl', type=click.Choice(map('{}'.format, Durl))) @click.argument('max_distance', type=click.IntRange(1, settings.MT_FILTER_MIN_TOKENS // 2)) @click.argument('notebook_path', metavar='NOTEBOOK', type=click.Path(exists=True)) def variant(time, source, past, durl, max_distance, notebook_path): """Generate and run a variant of an analysis notebook based on a specific substitution-detection model.""" # Create the model defined on the command line. time, source, past, durl = map(lambda s: s.split('.')[1], [time, source, past, durl]) model = Model(time=Time[time], source=Source[source], past=Past[past], durl=Durl[durl], max_distance=max_distance) notebook_folder, notebook_file = split(notebook_path) variant_path = settings.NOTEBOOK.format(model=model, notebook=notebook_file) _, variant_file = split(variant_path) # Read the source notebook and generate the appropriate variant. if not exists(notebook_path): raise Exception("Couldn't find notebook '{}'".format(notebook_path)) logger.debug("Reading notebook '{}'".format(notebook_file)) with open(notebook_path) as f: notebook =, as_version=4)"Creating notebook '{}'".format(variant_file)) model_str = '{}'.format(model) for cell in notebook.cells: cell['source'] = re.sub(r'Model\(.*?\)', model_str, cell['source']) # Execute the notebook and extract its figures."Executing and extracting figures from notebook '{}'" .format(variant_file)) config = Config() config.Exporter.preprocessors = [ 'nbconvert.preprocessors.ExecutePreprocessor', 'nbconvert.preprocessors.ExtractOutputPreprocessor' ] config.ExecutePreprocessor.timeout = 12 * 3600 exporter = Exporter(config=config) variant, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook, { 'metadata': {'path': notebook_folder}, 'unique_key': 'figure' }) # Save the resulting notebook and figures. logger.debug("Saving notebook '{}'".format(variant_file)) with open(variant_path, 'wt') as f: nbformat.write(variant, f) logger.debug("Saving figures from notebook '{}'".format(variant_file)) figures_dir = settings.FIGURE_VARIANTS.format( notebook=notebook_file, model=model) mkdirp(figures_dir) for figure_file, figure_data in resources['outputs'].items(): with open(join(figures_dir, figure_file), 'wb') as f: f.write(figure_data)
[docs]def cliobj(): """Convenience function to launch the CLI tool, used by the `` script.""" cli(obj={})
if __name__ == '__main__': cliobj()